Is there a statue of a nurse in Nieuport belgium? - nieuport belgium
www1 many battles in the region of Nieuport or Neiuwpoort especially near the river in area.Is yser.there many monuments are a nurse? near a church?
Is there a statue of a nurse in Nieuport belgium? - nieuport belgium
www1 many battles in the region of Nieuport or Neiuwpoort especially near the river in area.Is yser.there many monuments are a nurse? near a church?
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Yes, there is a statue of a woman in a cloak, by the people down there hurt.
In the corner of W and Rool OLVrouwstraat near Vrouwenkerk OL
Read the brochure can be downloaded from the link
Yes, there is a statue of a woman in a cloak, by the people down there hurt.
In the corner of W and Rool OLVrouwstraat near Vrouwenkerk OL
Read the brochure can be downloaded from the link
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